Monday, May 5, 2008

BITR: Why is Justin so loud?

An exclusive interview with Justin Gilbert:

Since I was given the task of writing about why Justin is so loud I decided that the best way to answer this question would be to just ask him. I guess people often wonder about this. What in the world makes Justin speak and act the way he does? What is it that makes him tick? The answer may surprise you. It doesn't surprise me at all.

Matt: Do you think you are loud? As a person do you consider yourself loud?

Justin: I would consider myself a very loud person actually.

M: Do you think that you are the loudest person here at the church?

J: I would definitely say that I do very well at being loud. I would challenge anyone out here to a loud contest and I know I would win because I'm the best at being loud.

M: So do you do this on purpose or is it just natural for you?

J: Most of it is natural. Some of it I do do on purpose - I just said "do-do" but you know what? It's okay because I'm loud, I don't care. And the main reason why, if I would do it on purpose, is because other people were being loud and it's like in my mind I'm like, you know, "You're trying to be louder than me?" And sometimes when I'm not even saying anything they'll be loud and we tell them to stop. And they'll be like "Well, you're loud all the time." And I'll be like, "Well shut up I'm not being loud right now," and they'll keep doing it. But when I'm loud they don't like it. So it's kinda like "Well you know what? You were loud so screw you, I'm gonna be loud."

M: So basically when you are around people who are louder than you, you try to be louder than them?

J: Yes because they are challenging me by being so loud. They should realize they shouldn't be so loud.

M: Why do you think you are so loud? What is it in you that makes you so loud all the time?

J: Well, see when I was a small child I grew up around Captain Carl and he's a very loud person. And all my life growing up I heard that loud voice all the time and so it was just ingrained into my head to be loud all the time because I had to speak up over him whenever I talked.

M: So you think you get it from your father?

J: Yes, I do get it from Darth Vader.


Elizabeth said...

wow. actually it didnt really surprise me at all. But that long paragraph about him talking about how he has be louder than everyone else, was hard to follow. he said like too many times.

Anonymous said...

And he is telling the truth actually. When Faith, Savannah, and Arrielle rold him to be quiet he got really mad b/c they were being loud and so he told them NO! But when I told him to be quiet you know what he said??? OK Sorry. So maybe he is only loud to challenge other people. I never even thought of it that way. I always thought it was just b/c he felt like he had to be annoying.

stephanie said...

that actually made me laugh really hard. justin, you are officially going down in the books. or, well, one book, maybe. if i write it. but i wont. if i did though it'd be entitled "when people unexpectedly make stephanie benton laugh as she is alone in her room at 4:07 AM, too tired to even close her laptop and go to bed, so she just keeps reading crap". very strong title. with very strong content. and its not even real. im a genius. and, well, so is justin gilbert.