Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Favorite Albums of 2009

So I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Tradition called for me to post this and when tradition calls, I answer. Here ya go.

5. Thrice - Beggars

It seems like anytime Thrice puts a new album out they are guaranteed a spot on this list. Beggars didn't release with the fanfare that The Alchemy Index did, but it turned out to be a pretty great album. Thrice moved away from the more electronic elements found in TAI and Vheissu. Still, all the songs are well written both musically and lyrically.

Best songs:
In Exile
The Weight
Wood and Wire

4. The Fray - The Fray

Yeah, I know, it's The Fray. I didn't become a fan until this year. I didn't listen to much of their previous album, but I picked up the new self-titled and I gotta say it's a good listen.

Best songs:

Say When
Ungodly Hour

3. Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down

This is shaping up to be one of my favorite Relient K albums they've released. It definitely strays away from their punk rock sound, but you can still listen to it and tell it's Relient K. It's a more creative and mature album than they have ever released, which compares more to Mmhmm than any other. Also, there are no cheesy, made-for-radio style songs that ought to be skipped on a regular playthrough.

Best songs:
I Don't Need a Soul
Over It

2. Derek Webb - Stockholm Syndrome

Two albums stood out above all others this year. Stockholm Syndrome is one of them. It's great to see an artist out there really taking a stand for the things that he believes, especially when it might not be a popular stand, and Derek Webb does exactly that. He even had to release two separate copies of the album (one "edited" copy leaves out a controversial track called What Matters More). The real genius of this music is in its message. With compelling lyrics and cool, techno-style beats, this is definitely one of Derek Webb's best.

Best songs:
Cobra Con
What Matters More
The State/The Proverbial Gun
Jena and Jimmy

1. Brand New - Daisy

Ever since The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me, Brand New has been one of my favorite bands. I was glad to see that they continued with their darker, more mature sound with Daisy. Still one of the most intense and dynamic bands I know, Brand New's music has become more compelling and interesting than any other. And the religious references in Jesse's lyrics are really cool:

"There's too many saviors on my cross again, I know I'll never be a perfect man."

"I don't think that you've got to pretend, I see God in birds and Satan in long words."

"If everyone's a structure where their own savior sits, then I'm a little red house and no one's living in it."

So many good lines. I love this album. Love it.

Best songs:
At the Bottom
Bought a Bridet