Friday, May 23, 2008

Child of Dust

A band I like called Thrice embarked on quite an impressive project for their latest recordings. They made a 4-disc collection with 6 songs each, all based on one of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Each disc represents one of those elements, and therefore the music and lyrics all follow that theme. For instance, the water CD has lots of songs that mention the sea and things related to that. The music also has a very unique "water" element to it. It's a really cool musical experience.

I say this because a couple of days ago I was listening to the earth album while I was sitting in my truck on my lunch break. I was reading the lyrics along with the songs and I came across one in particular that brought me to the brink of tears. I decided I'd put it up here on the blog. Who knows? It may make you want to cry too.

Child of Dust
Lyrics by Dustin Kensrue

Dear prodigal, you are my son and I
Supplied you not your spirit, but your shape.
All Eden's wealth arrayed before your eyes;
I fathomed not you wanted to escape.

And though I only ever gave you love,
Like every child you've chosen to rebel.
Uprooted flow'rs and filled the holes with blood;
Ask not for whom they toll, the solemn bells.

A child of dust, to mother you return
For every seed must die before it grows
And though above the world may toil and turn
No prying spades will find you here below

Now safe beneath their wisdom and their feet,
Here I will teach you truly how to sleep.


Anonymous said...



andy said...

THAT is how God speaks to us through poetry.