Friday, October 17, 2008

Taking the Low Road

So we are finally reaching the home stretch of this election season. I'm kind of glad. It's been fun and exciting the whole way, but it will be nice when all the political tension goes away. I'm looking forward to casting my vote, getting my "I voted" sticker, and waiting to see what happens. We have some fireworks left over from the 4th of July and I've never figured out a good occasion to finish shooting them off. Maybe if things turn out the right way on November 4 then I will have a good reason.

I've been watching the debates and some of the coverage and I just want to ramble some thoughts really quick while they are fresh on my mind. So here goes nothing...

First, I'm getting the feeling that the McCain campaign is trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator these days. The polls are showing that Obama is leading and many people believe he will be our next president. I'm not comfortable with this because this kind of coverage may get the McCain supporters to rally and possibly make a late push before the election. Even with that possibility, the Straight-Talk Express does seem a little desperate now.

Maybe you have seen the footage, maybe you haven't. I've seen it a few times. It's of some of the McCain-Palin rallies. While the candidates are giving their speeches and getting the crowd (or maybe you could call it a mob) pumped up, some vocal McCain sympathizers are shouting things like "terrorist" and "kill him."


This is coming to that?

Now I have to give John McCain credit in showing a little disgust in this sort of behavior. But I haven't heard him officially come out and condemn those kinds of statements. Sarah Palin, who was giving a speech while things like this were being said, made no attempt to rebuke her audience. This kind of thing is offensive, over the line, and very dangerous. Barack Obama is not a terrorist. He is not Muslim, Arabic, Jewish, or whatever other stereotype someone can draw up from his name/appearance. I was talking to a friend the other day and he told me he believes Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist. I asked him why and he said because that's what Obama said. I said, "Where did you hear that?" He said he read it in an e-mail.

An e-mail.

I don't want to come out here and say that the McCain campaign is encouraging this kind of stuff. I honestly don't think McCain is that kind of person, he is better than that. But it does make me wonder when Sarah Palin is quoted saying things like, "We're gonna find out who the real Barack Obama is." And I don't think anyone can deny that this has been a major focal point for their campaign lately.

In my opinion, this kind of stuff appeals to the lowest common denominator. If you're voting for John McCain, that's fine. I don't have a problem with that. But vote for John McCain because you agree with him on the issues, because you think he would make a great president. Don't vote for him because you are buying into this garbage about Barack Obama being an Islamic Communist terrorist who wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners.

There's a higher road than that. Take it.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Thats definatly a good point!

I think this can go both ways though. I think a lot of people are just voting for Obama because he appears so much better than McCain. McCain just seems like some old boring man who looks like a robot when he walks, while Obama is a young and exciting guy who smiles a lot.

But yeah...I agree that people should not vote for a candidate based on their initial appearance or what all the stupid emails say about them.