Monday, July 30, 2007

A problem that cannot be ignored

Ok so I'm going to go ahead and admit that the blog has kinda sucked lately. I don't know what it is but I have been feeling very uninspired lately, although I've been reading a lot and trying to put a lot of information in this head of mine.

Today I spent a lot of time reading a book called We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Philip Gourevitch. It's a book about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. I don't have a whole lot to write about it right now, but reading this book has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I could try to write a blog about the inhumanity of this genocide, or about how ashamed I am to be an American after reading about how our country responded to this; but I honestly don't know where to start. Hopefully, later this week I can sit down and try to come up with something.

But right now all I want to do is recommend something that I read today off of Andrew Osenga's blog. It's about a very important issue of oppression, poverty, and injustice that is going on in the world. I think everyone should read it, especially if you are a follower of Jesus. Here it is:

Reading about the genocide in Rwanda has instilled in me a strong desire to do whatever I can to help people like this. There are so many situations, so many emergencies, happening in the world right now at this moment, and something has to be done. HIV/AIDs in Africa, oppression in India, poverty, hunger, orphaned children, war, sex trades, etc. These are all critical problems going on in the world today that must not be ignored, especially by the church. As followers of Jesus we must do as he commands by loving our neighbors, putting others first, and dying to ourselves daily.

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